Taoma Partners

This consulting firm, of lawyers and expert jurists, moved to its new premises located in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. This new facility created a need for coworking system equipment. Especially in the context of teleworking, where some of the teams are not in Paris. And without forgetting the global dimension of the firm, which leads lawyers to interact daily with clients and international partners. In fact, the COVD-19 health crisis only amplified this need.

Consequently, there was a real need for a coworking system, especially for the conference room, which had to bring together people face-to-face and remotely. his by making it possible to share working documents on a medium that is large enough to offer comfortable reading for everyone.


Via its proposal dedicated to law firms, Videlio proposed a solution in partnership with Bose, Samsung and Barco for remote coworking – perfectly suited to document sharing.


With the solution offered to us by Videlio, we have gained in fluidity of connection, in sound and image quality.

Mélissa Cassanet – Partner – Industrial Property Attorney


  • A Samsung 75’’ screen
  • A ClickShare Conference CX with 2 dongles
  • A Bose VB1 coworking bar

Skill Center: Coworking