CHU (hospital) REIMS

The communication needs of the Reims Hospital Center have intensified with the succession of crises. Also, an additional problem: maintaining board meetings between sites, which are essential to the proper functioning of the establishment. In order to facilitate remote communications, the CHU (hospital) has undertaken to equip a 60-seat management and board room. Used for board meetings, it can also be used to conduct web conferences with remote sites (health establishments, regional institutions or ministries).

The challenge of this project was to ensure optimal audio and video capture regardless of the user’s whereabouts. While offering a simplified user experience despite the quantity of equipment and features available.


The Videlio teams put their know-how at the service of the Reims Hospital Center to ensure good visibility of shared content and remote contacts, via monitors and conference posts for each participant.

In addition, so that remote interlocutors can see the participants present, motorized cameras incorporating zoom functions were installed on the ceiling. Finally, to simplify the use of the room and automate its equipment, a personalized touch screen was installed and programmed. Thus, start-up of equipment and communications can be done remotely in a few clicks.


  • Two 85’’ SONY screens
  • Four motorized SONY cameras


Skill Center : Coworking & Audiovisual Integration