Our offer in your market
The corporate real estate sector is accompanied by various constraints in terms of project management methodology, risk management, workplace safety, architecture, etc. Each project generally requires contractual rigor since the construction and development of a building requires coactivity with several professionals from the construction industry.
Our teams operating in this sector are experts in the construction environment and are used to working alongside different trades. They also hold several authorizations relating in particular to electricity, working at height, safety, etc.

Among the different offers, we find both the layout of meeting rooms and larger rooms such as auditoriums. The Videlio teams have excellent knowledge of the management of large projects and in-depth expertise in the field of corporate real estate, thus making it possible to offer very technically precise analytical responses, based on the needs of each client.
An ecological environment
This sector also has many expectations in terms of CSR. Videlio holds ISO 9001, 14001, Ecovadis certifications as well as the SBTI label. The group follows a policy of responsible purchasing, waste sorting, equipment return and recycling.
Fully aware of the latest CSR standards, the Videlio teams are able to support and advise all clients who wish to build the greenest and most connected buildings possible. We can thus carry out global management and data reporting.

Each contract includes a maintenance service offer. After installation of the different systems and solutions, our teams support you over the long term to guarantee you always effective use of your different spaces. This concerns both remote and on-site interventions, as well as repairs and various adjustments.