Digital signage / IP TV

Digital display allows you to communicate in a flexible and interactive way with your internal or external users.

What is digital display? It is a communication tool for transmitting animated content on screens on-site and remotely. So, what do we mean by “dynamic”? Obviously, the content is a key part of the system. The challenge is to deliver an attractive and captivating message to the audience. In addition to the animated character of the messages. The term “dynamic” also designates management of the system. The aim of this tool is to disseminate attractive, captivating and targeted messages for an internal or external audience.

Do you want to communicate easily and in a flexible way with your users?

Bring dynamism to your spaces
with digital display.

I would like to meet an expert
affichage dynamique

Dynamic Display proposal

Videlio supports you in digitizing your on-site communication points.

  • Assessment of your needs
  • Choice of equipment and suitable systems
  • Installation and configuration
  • User training
  • Assistance & maintenance

Simplified use

We install the equipment on site

We provide you with the licenses needed to manage the content on your screens, and also provide user training. Videlio can also manage the content for you on request.

Your users are autonomous for the programming of shows, sequences, schedules according to days, times and targets. They also have the possibility of adding modules; for example: to give traffic conditions in real time.

Your visitors have access to communications, training and information throughout their day.


Let your users focus on the essentials,
our experts are there to manage the techniques.

Formation des utilisateurs

They adopted it
why don’t you?p

Ready to take

Let’s talk about it