Convivial spaces

Roof top, cafeteria, games or rest room, landings and elevators, Videlio equips all of your convivial spaces with audiovisual solutions

User experience

Audiovisual integration in convivial spaces within a company is an essential element for enriching the employee experience. By transforming these spaces into interactive hubs, we create environments conducive to creativity, collaboration and relaxation.

Dynamic screens broadcasting relevant information, quality audio systems and adaptive lighting help create a warm and stimulating atmosphere. These facilities encourage informal communication, spontaneous meetings and the exchange of ideas, thus reinforcing the feeling of belonging to a dynamic community.

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Elevators, landings

Clever audiovisual integration on floor landings and in elevators transforms the everyday experience into an innovative and engaging interaction. Dynamic screens offer relevant information, inspiring messages or even artistic works, creating a welcoming atmosphere. Discreet sound and adaptive lighting help elevate the atmosphere.

Whether to inform, entertain or simply to create a pleasant atmosphere, our expertise transforms journeys into unique and interactive moments.

Break rooms and modular rooms

To ensure the well-being and comfort of employees, Videlio offers personalized living spaces that promote quality of life at work. Our break rooms and modular rooms, fully adaptable to the needs of your teams, are designed to offer both moments of rest and opportunities for informal conviviality between colleagues.

Our experts guide you through every step, from configuring spaces to choosing audiovisual solutions to help you create environments essential to corporate life.

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The catering area

Audiovisual integration within our corporate catering areas reinvents your employees’ dining times. Our dynamic screens broadcast interactive menus, creative chefs at work, and immersive visual ambiances.

Combined with a refined sound system and tailor-made lighting, the catering spaces become places of sharing where gastronomy and audiovisual innovation meet, thus enriching the daily experience of employees.

Roof top

Audiovisual integration on your roof-tops transcends the simple panoramic view by creating an immersive and friendly outdoor experience. Thanks to dynamic screens, an elegant soundscape and subtle lighting, we transform these spaces into places of relaxation and entertainment.

Whether for events, casual evenings or presentations, rooftops are becoming social hubs where audiovisual technology enhances the appeal of these exclusive spaces.

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More and more companies are choosing to install gyms on their premises for the well-being of their employees. Audiovisual integration in gyms transforms training into a social and motivating experience.

Interactive screens showing workouts, immersive sound and dynamic lighting create a friendly atmosphere.

Equip my convivial spaces

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